10 Easy Ways to Relax and Have Fun This Fall and Winter

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Here are ten tried-and-true ways to relax and have fun this fall and winter that don’t require a lot of effort or advance planning:

1. Take a brisk walk.

Depending where you are in the country the weather may be cooling down quite a bit. Even on the rainy days, embrace your inner child and go for a brisk walk. The fresh air, open space, nature, and exercise are sure to lift spirits and brighten moods. Investing in a warm jacket, gloves, and shoes gives you the freedom to still enjoy the outdoors. If you hate cold fingers, try these:

Accsa Women Winter Ski Gloves (Waterproof, 3M Thinsulate, Warm, Windproof): 

2. Find a good book to read.

Whether you are into fiction, non-fiction, sci-fi, or drama, a good story is hard to beat. Look for a couple of new titles from your local library, online, or your in-town bookstore and dive in when the sun goes down. Dusk becomes a special time to look forward to with an engaging book, and you get to cozy up earlier and earlier each evening as winter approaches! Find plenty of thrills with this new historical novel:

The Resistance by Douglas Bond

3. Make something with your hands.

Many of us are in jobs where we shift information or spend a lot of time looking at screens. Stretch other parts of your brain by creating something fun, beautiful, or interesting. Make origami animals, try building something, or take on a new knitting or crocheting project. Free resources abound on YouTube and Pinterest. But if you like a hardcopy, your local arts and craft store will have plenty of recommendations and supplies (as, of course, will Amazon). If you haven’t done so already, consider trying pyrography!

Learn to Burn: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started in Pyrography by Simon Easton

4. Find a new favorite flavor.

Are you a coffee drinker? Is tea your go-to drink? If you are like my little guy, it’s kombucha. Whatever beverage is your current favorite at the moment, be on the look out for a new fall favorite flavor to spice up your routine. We can easily forget how much fun it can be to try new things! Here’s a lovely tea from Trader Joe’s that was new for me: 

Trader Joes Herbal Tea, Red Refresh - 20 Tea Bags

5. Write a letter.

I know, we all text. Yet there is a special thrill that comes with receiving a hand-written note in the mail. Pick out some pretty stationary and write a quick note of thanks, appreciation, or just one full of fun to friend. Try this beautiful stationary set to get inspired:

Japanese Stationary Letter Set

6. Cookies, anyone? Yes, of course!

You don’t have to be on the Great British Baking Show to be able to make something delicious. Find plenty of easy baking recipes on Pinterest and give it a go. If you’re short on time, you can buy pre-made cookie dough, pop it in the oven, and have delicious baked goods in no time. Take a few over to your neighbors to spread the cheer. My personal favorite is Sea Salt Carmel Chocolate Chunk cookies from Aldi’s grocery store. Check out the selection at your own local grocer or on Amazon:

Frozen Cookie Dough (Snickerdoodle)

7. Add some greenery.

Whether it’s cut flowers or a little succulent, having plants in the house (or office) is a plus for your health. You can often find cute little plants at the grocery store and, if you have the time, stroll through a local nursery for more variety and an easy way to get out for some fresh air and inexpensive fun. Also check out Amazon for some lovely succulents that can be delivered straight to your doorstep!

Seville Farms Succulent Plant 6 Pack 

And here are some beautiful plant pots for your succulents you can use to make thoughtful and budget-friendly Christmas gifts as well!

DeeCoo 8 Pack 2.5 inch Ceramic Ice Crack Succulent Plant Pot with Bamboo Tray (plants not included)

8. Visit your local market for fresh produce and low-key fun.

If you are fortunate to have a local growers market or farmers market in your area, it’s a great way to get out and do something fun. If the markets are outdoors, then it’s even a safer way to do some shopping during the current pandemic. Plus, you will also get to know local artisans. Some of our favorite stands at our local market are the crepe stand and the hamburger stand. If you are like us, you might do more eating than grocery shopping!

9. Play a game.

Yes, an actual card or board game with pieces. There are many new and fun games out there, and if you feel daunted about trying them, you can find Youtube videos explaining how to play some popular ones (if you are like me and you’d rather not read the instructions). Here’s a fun game we have enjoyed playing recently:

Czech Games Codenames

10. Make a thankfulness tree.

2020 has been a hard year. Remind yourself about some of the tangible ways God has been with you this year. Maybe it’s a simple thing like someone paying for your coffee one morning or a bigger thing like a friend’s know-how saving you hundreds of dollars. Perhaps you have been comforted by a child’s hug. All these things are little blessings that God weaves into our lives. You can make your own thankfulness tree out of construction paper, string, and branches or get a head start with this one (you’ll still need to find your own sticks): 

Count Your Blessings Thankful Thanksgiving Tree Kit (branches not included)

For more ideas on making a thankfulness tree, check out this article from Good Housekeeping!

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Ayrian Yasar

Ayrian Yasar, a Washington State native, holds a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Westminster Seminary California. Besides theology and Hebrew, she enjoys nature, theater, music, art, Seahawks football, cooking with her husband, gardening, and dreaming about owning a coffee shop. She currently lives in Florida with her husband Rev. Z. Bulut Yasar (OPC). Ayrian is associate editor of Beautiful Christian Life.


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