Being Lights in a Profane World

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Our modern culture easily falls into irreverent and profane behavior. We hear it in the grocery store, out at restaurants, and in entertainment. We have lost as a culture the understanding of reverence for God and so have become more debased in how we comport ourselves toward God and toward others. The Bible teaches us that we are to always show the highest respect and reverence for God’s name:

“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.” (Exod. 20:7)

“You shall not swear by my name falsely, and so profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.” (Lev. 19:12)

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. (Col. 4:6)

Christians are to be light and salt to the world.

Christians are supposed to have speech that is glorifying to God, “seasoned with salt” (Col. 4:6). Using God’s name in any way that is not out of fear and reverence (loving and honoring him and acknowledging his awesomeness) is sinful and to be avoided.

The Heidelberg Catechism, first published in 1563, is a highly regarded summary of the Christian faith and has the following to say about the third commandment:

Q. What is required in the third commandment?

A. We are not to blaspheme or to abuse the name of God by cursing, perjury, or unnecessary oaths, nor to share in such horrible sins by being silent bystanders. Rather, we must use the holy name of God only with fear and reverence, so that we may rightly confess him, call upon him, and praise him in all our words and works.” — Heidelberg Catechism, Q & A 99.

Believers can have a significant influence on unbelievers by taking their own speech and actions seriously.

Perhaps the harder thing is being around others who use God’s name in an ungodly manner. By their actions Christians are to be light and salt, encouraging those around them in the right use of God’s holy name. We are naturally prone to be careful to not say anything negative about someone a friend holds in high esteem. If unbelievers know we as believers are serious about our love for God, they won’t be as prone to disrespect his name, at least in our presence.

Christians are baptized in the very name of God. We are blessed to have this name placed upon us—the God of the universe claims us for his own! Let us always strive to show God the proper love, fear, reverence, and gratitude by our speech and actions.

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Ayrian Yasar

Ayrian Yasar, a Washington State native, holds a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Westminster Seminary California. Besides theology and Hebrew, she enjoys nature, theater, music, art, Seahawks football, cooking with her husband, gardening, and dreaming about owning a coffee shop. She currently lives in Florida with her husband Rev. Z. Bulut Yasar (OPC). Ayrian is associate editor of Beautiful Christian Life.


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