Love Ayrian Yasar Love Ayrian Yasar

How to Make and Keep Friends

How does a person make and keep friends? Well, there are at least two parts to this. First, you have to meet someone, and second, you have to become part of that person's life.

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Love Erica Chase Love Erica Chase

Finding Romance in Your Marriage

All the responsibilities of marriage can make over-the-top romantic moments that occur early in the relationship seem like distance memories. How do a husband and wife find romance in their marriage as the years go by?

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Love Nick Batzig Love Nick Batzig

7 Biblical Ways to Care for Your Wife

There are many things Scripture teaches husbands and wives in order to help guide the process of learning to love one’s spouse. Here are seven basic biblical ways the married man can seek to please his wife.

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Love Derek J. Brown Love Derek J. Brown

The Element of Physical Attraction in Romantic Relationships

I am regularly asked if it is important for a Christian man or woman to be physically attracted to the person they are dating. In order to fully answer this question, we must consider physical attraction from both a male and female perspective, while also considering why physical attraction may be lacking in either case.

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